
Wear resistance of natural rubber-trans-polyisoprene rubber composites under high loads and high speeds

  • 摘要: 飞机轮胎在高速高载下使用,其胎面橡胶复合材料耐磨性直接影响轮胎使用寿命。利用实验室自研磨耗机模拟了飞机轮胎在实际行驶过程中受到的高速(> 11 Hz)高载荷(> 1.8 MPa),探究了载荷、转速和炭黑(CB)用量对天然橡胶-反式聚异戊二烯橡胶复合材料(NR-TPI)耐磨性的影响,并结合橡胶磨耗表面形貌和磨屑的形态特征提出了相关影响机制。结果表明,胶料的磨耗随载荷增大而增大,转速对耐磨性的影响小于载荷。当转速从600 r/min增大到800 r/min时,磨耗速率增大,再增大转速,磨耗速率无明显变化。炭黑用量为40或45份的材料磨耗速率接近,但当炭黑用量为50份时,材料的耐磨性显著提升。观察发现磨耗表面出现黏腻的降解层,且磨屑中同时包含微米级的微粒磨屑和大尺寸卷状磨屑,说明高速高载下耐磨性主要取决于表面层降解和降解层被剥离这两个过程的动态循环,前者占主导时主要发生微粒磨耗,后者占主导时起卷磨耗为主要磨耗机制。载荷和转速对耐磨性的影响主要是通过对这两个过程的影响来实现的。


    Abstract: Aircraft tires are used at high speeds and loads, and the wear resistance of tread rubber composites directly affects the service life of tires. Using a homemade rubber abrasion device to simulate the high speed (> 11 Hz) and high load (> 1.8 MPa) on the tire during the actual driving process, the effects of load, rotation speed and carbon black (CB) loading on the wear resistance of natural rubber-trans-polyisoprene (NR-TPI) composites were investigated, and the related influencing mechanisms were proposed by combining the morphology of rubber surface and the morphological characteristics of wear debris. The results show that the abrasion of rubber increases with the increase of load. The effect of rotation speed on the abrasion rate is less than that of load. When the rotation speed increases from 600 r/min to 800 r/min, the abrasion rate increases. However, the abrasion rate does not change significantly when the rotation speed is further increased. The abrasion rate of samples with 40 or 45 phr CB is similar, but when 50 phr CB is adopted, the wear resistance of sample is significantly improved. Observation on the abraded surface and the wear debris reveals that sticky degradation layers appear on the rubber surface, and micrometer sized fine-grained wear debris and large-sized crimped wear debris are simultaneously included in the wear debris, indicating that the abrasion resistance of NR-TPI composites mainly depends on the dynamic cycle of the two processes, the degradation of surface layer and the peeling of degradation layer. Particle wear mainly occurs when the former is dominant, while roll-up wear becomes the dominant wear mechanism when the latter is dominant. The effects of load and rotation speed on abrasion resistance are essentially achieved by affecting these two processes.


