To investigate the mechanical properties of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) bar and bond-type anchorage system after different elevated temperature exposures, the axial tensile tests and anchorage perfor-mance tests were conducted on 12 specimens and 36 specimens with different elevated temperatures and bond lengths, respectively. The results demonstrate that the static performance of CFRP bar exposed to elevated temperature of 100℃ degenerates slightly compared with the specimen at room temperature in the axial tensile tests. The tensile strength, elastic modulus and ultimate strain of specimens exposed to the elevated temperature of 200℃ and 300℃ decrease by 6.4%, 8.2%, 3.8% and 16.6%, 18.3%, 8.3%, respectively, compared with the specimen at room temperature. In the anchorage performance tests, the bond strength of the specimens decreases with the increase of elevated temperature and bond length. Compared with the specimen at room temperature, the bond strengths of the specimens exposed to the elevated temperature of 200℃ and 300℃ decrease by 31.5%-36.3% and 44.2%-47.4%, respectively, while the bonding length is fixed. The practical formulas with high accuracy for determining the axial tensile performance of CFRP bars, bond strength and critical anchorage length of the bond-type anchorage system after elevated temperature exposure were developed.