Fiber push-out is one of the most common methods to study the interfacial meso-mechanic properties of composites. Fiber push-out test was combined with electron beam moiré method to develop a fiber push-out experimental system under SEM. The interfacial shear strength, frictional stress, coefficient of friction and residual stress of SiC/Ti-15-3 composites were characterized using this system. The results show that the interfacial shear strength, the frictional stress, coefficient of friction and the radial residual stress for SiC/Ti-15-3 composite with the thickness of 500 μm are 35 MPa, 32.8 MPa, 0.082 and −400 MPa, respectively. The minimum diameters of the pushed-out fibers can be only a few microns by this system, which expands the application field for the fiber push-out test.It’s easy to locate the indenter directly above the pushing-out fiber under SEM, which can reduce the experimental error during the launching process. The in-situ residual stress distribution around the pushed fiber was obtained combing with the electron beam moiré method. Moreover, it can provide a useful method for the design, evaluation and optimal application of composites.