
Large deflection dynamic response of (fiber/polymer)-metal laminates subjected to impact loading

  • 摘要: 对冲击载荷下固支(纤维/聚合物)-金属层合方板和圆板的大挠度动力响应进行了理论研究。基于理想刚塑性假定和塑性极限屈服条件,建立了质量块体和爆炸冲击载荷下(纤维/聚合物)-金属层合板大挠度动力响应的理论模型,给出了固支(纤维/聚合物)-金属层合方板和圆板考虑弯曲和拉伸相互作用的大挠度响应解析解,进一步忽略弯曲的影响,得到了其动力响应的膜力解。研究结果表明,理论预测与已有实验结果吻合较好,该理论模型可以有效地预测质量块体和爆炸冲击载荷下(纤维/聚合物)-金属层合板的最大挠度。


    Abstract: Large deflection dynamic response of fully clamped square and circular (fiber/polymer)-metal laminates subjected to impact loading was studied theoretically. Based on rigid-perfectly plastic assumption and the plastic limit yield condition, theoretical models of the large deflection dynamic response of (fiber/polymer)-metal laminates subjected to mass impact and blast loading were developed and analytical solutions which considered the interaction between bending and stretching were obtained. Furthermore, the membrane model solutions which neglected effect of bending moment were given. The results show that good agreement between theoretical predictions and experimental results is achieved. The theoretical models can predict the maximum deflections of (fiber/polymer)-metal-laminates subjected to mass impact and explosion loading effectively.


