
Effects of width to diameter ratio on compression failure behavior of carbon fiber reinforced epoxy resin composite open-hole laminates under different environments

  • 摘要: 复合材料结构强度的参数影响研究是结构设计的必要内容,然而还缺乏在不同湿热环境条件下结构尺寸对其强度的影响研究。采用数值和试验方法研究了宽径比(W/D)对不同湿度、温度时T800/X850碳纤维增强环氧树脂复合材料(CF/EP)开孔层压板压缩强度的影响。设计了参数影响研究试件,通过试验获得了不同湿热条件下的开孔层压板压缩失效结果;并利用现有的考虑湿热影响的复合材料渐进损伤方法,建立了湿热及几何参数影响的渐进损伤模型,通过将预测结果与试验结果对比验证了模型正确性。进一步结合试验和数值分析,揭示了不同湿热条件下几何参数的影响规律。研究表明:湿热环境对T800/X850 CF/EP开孔板的压缩失效载荷影响显著,相比于室温干态(RTD),室温湿态(RTW)和高温湿态(ETW)压缩失效载荷分别下降了7.75%和14.68%; RTW和RTD失效形式接近,ETW失效形式不同且失效面积更大; RTW和RTD时压缩失效强度随W/D的增大而增大,增大速度相似,ETW增大速度比前两者慢。


    Abstract: Research on the parameters of structural strength is essential for composite structural design. However, the effects of structural size on strength under different hygrothermal environments have been less investigated. Numerical and experimental methods were adopted to study the influence of humidity, temperature and width to diameter ratio(W/D) on T800/X850 carbon fiber reinforced epoxy resin composite (CF/EP) open-hole laminates compression strength. The parameters of the research specimens were designed, and results of the open-hole composite laminates compression failure under different hygrothermal environments were obtained by the tests. A progressive damage model was established to analyse the effects of humidity, temperature and geometric parameters on composite laminates compression strength by using the existing progressive damage methods of composites considering the influence of hygrothermal environments. The good consistency between the numerical and experimental results validates the model. Combined with the experimental and numerical analysis, the influence law of the parameters was revealed. The research shows that hygrothermal environments has a significant effect on compression failure loads of T800/X850 CF/EP open-hole laminates. Compared with the room temperature and dry(RTD) conditions, the room temperature and wet(RTW) conditions and the elevated temperature and wet(ETW) conditions compressive failure loads are reduced by 7.75% and 14.68%, respectively. The failure modes under RTW conditions and RTD conditions are close to each other. The failure modes of ETW conditions are different and the failure area is larger. The compressive failure strength increases with the increase of the W/D in RTW conditions and RTD conditions, and the rates of growth are similar. The rate of growth in ETW conditions increases slower than the former two.


