
Properties of short carbon fiber-carbon nanotubes/polydimethylsiloxane conductive composites prepared by spatial confining forced network assembly method

  • 摘要: 采用空间限域强制组装(SCFNA)法制备短切碳纤维-碳纳米管/聚二甲基硅氧烷(SCF-CNTs/PDMS)导电复合材料,研究SCFNA方法制备SCF-CNTs/PDMS复合材料对断面形态变化、导电性能和力学性能的影响。结果表明,通过SCFNA制备的SCF-CNTs/PDMS导电复合材料得到了密实有效的导电网络,由于缩短了导电填料之间的距离,实现了在低浓度填料下增大复合材料的导电性能和力学性能。在填料总量不变的前提下,SCF/PDMS复合材料中添加少量的CNTs,SCF与CNTs之间能形成较好的协同作用。并发现SCF质量分数为8wt%、CNTs质量分数为2wt%的SCF-CNTs/PDMS复合材料与SCF质量分数为10wt%的SCF/PDMS复合材料相比,其导电性能提高了33%,力学性能提高了144%;在SCF/PDMS复合材料中添加较多的CNTs,由于CNTs之间发生团聚现象,SCF-CNTs/PDMS复合材料的导电性能和力学性能均有所下降。SCF质量分数为5wt%、CNTs质量分数为5wt%的SCF-CNTs/PDMS复合材料随着密炼转速由40 r/min逐步增加到80 r/min,CNTs团聚现象有所改善,但是由于扭矩的增大,SCF受到的剪切作用力增大,SCF大部分被搅碎,在导电复合材料中,SCF起主要连接导电网络的作用。因此,SCF质量分数为5wt%、CNTs质量分数为5wt%的SCF-CNTs/PDMS复合材料导电性能反而随着密炼转速的提高而降低。


    Abstract: The short carbon fiber-carbon nanotubes/polydimethylsiloxane (SCF-CNTs/PDMS) conductive compo-sites were prepared by spatial confining forced network assembly (SCFNA) method. The influence of SCF-CNTs/PDMS composites prepared by SCFNA method on the morphology, electrical conductivity and mechanical properties of the sections was studied. The results show that a dense and effective conductive network is obtained by preparing the SCF-CNTs/PDMS conductive composites by SCFNA method. The electrical conductivity and mechanical properties of the SCF-CNTs/PDMS composite are increased with low concentration fillers due to the shortened distance between the conductive fillers. Add a small amount of CNTs to SCF/PDMS with the same amount of filler, a good synergy between SCF and CNTs can be formed. The performance of SCF-CNTs/PDMS composite (the mass fraction of SCF is 8wt%, the mass fraction of CNTs is 2wt%) is found to be 33% higher in conductive properties and 144% higher in mechanical properties than the SCF/PDMS composite (the mass fraction of SCF is 10wt%). More CNTs have been added to SCF/PDMS composite. Due to the agglomeration between CNTs, the electrical and mechanical properties of the SCF-CNTs/PDMS composites decrease; as the mixing speed gradually increases from 40 r/min to 80 r/min, the CNTs agglomeration phenomenonin in the SCF-CNTs/PDMS composite(the mass fraction of SCF is 5wt%, the mass fraction of CNTs is 5wt%) is improved. Due to the increase of torque, the shearing force of the SCF is increased, and most of the SCF is crushed. In conductive composites, SCF acts as a primary connection to the conductive network. Therefore, the conductivity of SCF-CNTs/PDMS composite (the mass fraction of SCF is 5wt%, the mass fraction of CNTs is 5wt%) decreases with the increase of the mixing speed.


