
Research on thrust force of carbon fiber reinforced epoxy resin composite laminates during the interference-fit bolt installation process

  • 摘要: 碳纤维增强环氧树脂复合材料(CFRP)构件干涉配合连接的插钉轴向力过大会引起层合板弯曲和分层,严重影响产品的安全性。针对CFRP层合板的高锁螺栓干涉连接过程,分析了其制孔、插钉及拧紧等装配连接工艺,将其干涉插钉过程划分为4个阶段,并对各个阶段进行了详细的力学行为分析;对螺栓杆处和倒角处的挤压力和摩擦力分别进行力学建模,并结合各作用力的边界条件与阶段划分,构建了干涉插钉全过程的轴向力模型;通过ABAQUS有限元模拟了CFRP层合板干涉插钉工艺过程,并开展了干涉螺栓安装实验,对比分析了层合板孔周径向挤压应力分布和插钉轴向力变化规律,解析结果与模拟和实验结果吻合较好,为后续CFRP层合板的插钉分层损伤和工艺优化研究奠定基础。


    Abstract: The interference-fit joint can improve the bearing capacity and sealing performance of carbon fiber reinforced epoxy resin composite (CFRP). However, the oversized thrust force will cause bending deflection and delamination, which severely impacts the safety of the products. The assembling process of CFRP laminates with interference-fit joint, such as drilling, installing and tightening, was analyzed. The interference-fit bolt installation process of CFRP laminates was divided into 4 stages. The mechanical behavior of each stage was analyzed in detail. The extrusion force and friction at the bolt bar and chamfer were modeled. The thrust force of the whole installation process was established based on the displacement boundary condition and stages. The interference-fit bolt installation process of CFRP laminates was experimented and simulated by ABAQUS, the radial stress distribution and thrust force curves were compared and analyzed. The results of the analytical model and simulation and experiment match well. This work lays the foundation for the study of joint delamination and optimization.


