The Filament winding with tension (force winding) can be used for superimposing a compressive radial stress field onto the tensile field caused by high-speed rotation to prevent radial delamination and unmatched deformation. The fiber winding process is assumed as continuous superposition of pre-tensioned composite thin rings, and the mechanical model of force filament winding is proposed on the basis of anisotropic composite elastic theory and isotropic thick-walled cylinder elastic theory. The radial and circumferential stresses of winding layers and the deformations of mandrel with winding layer number were obtained. The mechanical analytical model was verified by the test. The stress saturation is found in the high tension filament winding by the test and also proved by the analytical solutions. The two relevant key parameters for stress distribution in the force winding, the ratio of hoop stiffness to radial stiffness
Er and the fiber tension
r) are identified and discussed. The present and analysis approaches are critical to the successful design, analysis and implementation of filament force winding.