
Preparation and performance of functionalized graphene-SiO2 toughened-reinforced polypropylene composites

  • 摘要: 先采用溶胶-凝胶法制备了氧化石墨烯(GO)-SiO2杂化材料,再与聚丙烯(PP)进行熔融共混制备了GO-SiO2/PP复合材料。分别采用FTIR、XRD、XPS、DSC、SEM、动态热机械分析(DMA)、拉伸及冲击等测试手段对填料及GO-SiO2/PP复合材料的结构与性能进行了表征。FTIR和XPS分析表明,GO已经成功获得功能化。力学性能测试结果证实,GO-SiO2对PP基体具有良好的强韧化协同改性作用,且优于SiO2/PP及GO/PP复合材料体系。固定GO-SiO2中GO与SiO2的质量比为1∶1,当填料GO-SiO2的质量分数为0.1wt%时,GO-SiO2/PP复合材料的拉伸强度和冲击强度分别为38.9 MPa和7.6 kJ/m2,与纯PP基体相比分别提高了29.4%和66.3%。DSC测试表明,GO-SiO2/PP复合材料中PP的熔融温度和结晶温度分别为167.4℃和111.7℃,与纯PP相比分别提高了4.7℃和5.2℃。DMA测试表明,GO-SiO2的加入使GO-SiO2/PP复合材料的储能模量增大,损耗模量峰向更高温度移动。SEM观察表明,当加入少量的GO-SiO2时,填料能均匀的分散在基体中,但GO-SiO2过多时,则容易形成团聚。


    Abstract: Graphene oxide-SiO2 (GO-SiO2) hybrid materials were firstly synthesized by using sol-gel method, and then GO-SiO2/polypropylene (PP) composites were prepared through melting blending. The structures and properties of fillers and GO-SiO2/PP composites were characterized and investigated by using FTIR, XRD, XPS, DSC, SEM, dynamic thermo-mechanical analysis (DMA), tensile and impact tests. The results show GO has been chemically functionalized. The mechanical property tests verify that GO-SiO2 has good synergistic effect on strengthening and toughening of PP matrix, and the mechanical properties of GO-SiO2/PP composites are superior to those of SiO2/PP and GO/PP composites. When the mass ratio of GO/SiO2 is 1:1 and the GO-SiO2 mass fraction is 0.1wt%, the tensile strength and impact strength of GO-SiO2/PP composites are 38.9 MPa and 7.6 kJ/m2, respectively, which increase by 29.4% and 66.3% compared with those of PP matrix. DSC tests show that the melting and crystallization temperature of PP in the GO-SiO2/PP composites are 167.4℃ and 111.7℃, which increase by 4.7℃ and 5.2℃, respectively, compared with those of the pure PP. DMA tests show that the incorporation of GO-SiO2 results in increasing of storage modulus and the shifts of loss modulus peaks to higher temperature. SEM observations show that when the addition of a small amount of GO-SiO2, the filler can be evenly dispersed in the matrix, but aggregation appears at higher GO-SiO2 mass fraction.


