
Experimental and simulation study of interface fracture toughness on Zinc coating/steel substrate

  • 摘要: 以锌漆薄膜与304不锈钢基底之间的界面裂纹为研究对象,采用声发射与显微镜实时检测技术与三点弯曲试验相结合的方法,测量了锌漆涂层的界面断裂韧性。同时将界面裂纹长度的有限元模拟结果和实验结果相比较,结果较为吻合。通过ABAQUS有限元模拟发现,界面断裂韧性与多种影响因素有关,界面裂纹扩展长度随薄膜厚度和外荷载的增加而增加,随界面断裂韧性和薄膜弹性模量的增大而减小,而泊松比对其影响不大。


    Abstract: In this paper, the interface cracks between the zinc coating and the 304 stainless substrate were investigated and the interface fracture toughness of the Zinc coating-elastic substrate system was obtained by three point bending tests installed with an acoustic emission device and microscope. The interface propagation length obtained by a finite element method (FEM) is in agreement with the experimental result. A finite element simulation by ABAQUS was conducted and the result shows that the interface fracture toughness is related to many factors. The interface crack propagation length increases with the increase of film thickness and external load, and it decreases with the increase of interface fracture toughness and elastic modulus, while Poisson's ratio has little effect on the crack propagation length.


