
Effect of flexible blade lead-lag of large scale wind turbine on fracture toughness between skin layers

  • 摘要: 冲击对材料表面的层间断裂产生重要影响,但对层间断裂韧性影响的趋势尚不明确。尤其是风机叶片在摆振运动时,叶片所受冲击对叶片表面层间断裂的影响及趋势未见公开研究。本文首先对风机叶片摆振运动冲击载荷的动力学响应进行研究,确定振型-位移-速度的对应关系,然后对叶片摆振运动过程中的应力-应变-速度进行有限元数值分析,再依据连续介质力学原理建立摆振冲击载荷控制方程,明确摆振运动冲击导致裂缝的应变能释放率(G)和应力强度因子(K)的关系。最后通过对摆振和冲击实验中断裂参数(振型、位移、速度、载荷、起裂方式以及裂纹长度)的测量,验证了本文中摆振运动冲击对Ⅱ型裂缝层间断裂韧性的影响的研究结果,探讨了摆振运动冲击载荷对叶片表面层间断裂韧性影响的趋势。


    Abstract: The impact has an obvious effect on inter laminar fracture of material surface. The influence of the impact on inter laminar fracture toughness is not clear at present. In particular, the influence on and the trend of the blade skin inter laminar fracture caused by the blade lead-lag have not been studied. In this paper, firstly, the dynamic response of impact load acting on blades in the case of lead-lag was studied. And the relationship of vibration-displacement-velocity was determined. Then the finite element numerical analysis of stress-strain-velocity in the case of lead-lag was carried out. According to the continuum mechanics principle, the governing equations of the pendulum impact load were established. The relationship between strain energy release rate (G) and stress intensity factor (K), which are related to the status that the blade lead-lag caused the crack, was clarified. Finally, the results of this paper were verified by measuring the fracture parameters in the impact test. The influence on and the trend of the blade skin inter laminar fracture caused by the blade lead-lag was discussed.


