
Microstructure and mechanical properties of B4C/6061Al neutron absorber composites prepared by SPS

  • 摘要: B4C中B的同位素10B具有较大的热中子吸收截面,是良好的中子吸收体。采用放电等离子烧结法(SPS)制备了B4C体积分数为10%~40%的B4C/6061Al中子吸收复合材料,对B4C/6061Al中子吸收复合材料的微观组织形貌及物相组成进行了观察分析,并测试了其拉伸性能。结果表明:B4C颗粒均匀地分布在6061Al基体中,颗粒尖端放电产生的等离子体能够促进B4C颗粒/6061Al基体界面结合,材料内部的物相主要有Al、B4C、AlB2和Al3BC。随着B4C体积分数的增加,B4C/6061Al中子吸收复合材料的致密度降低,抗拉强度先增加后降低,断裂机制主要为6061Al基体及B4C颗粒/6061Al基体界面的撕裂。


    Abstract: The 10B isotope of B in B4C which has high thermal neutron absorption cross-section is a great neutron absorber. B4C/6061Al composites with the B4C volume fractions of 10%-40% were fabricated by spark plasma sintering(SPS), the microstructure and phase composition of B4C/6061Al neutron absorber composites (B4C/6061Al) were analyzed and the tensile property of B4C/6061Al was measured. The results show that B4C particles distribute relatively homogeneously in 6061Al matrix, plasma generated by microscopic electrical discharge between the particles can improve the interfacial bonding of B4C particle/6061Al matrix, the phases of composites are mainly Al, B4C, AlB2 and Al3BC. With the increase of B4C volume fractions, the relative density of B4C/6061Al decreases and the tensile strength first increases and then decreases, the fracture mechanism is mainly the tear of 6061Al matrix and the B4C particle/6061Al matrix interface.


