
Effects of adhesive, filler and Z-pin on strength of composite T-joint

  • 摘要: 为提高复合材料T型接头结构的拉伸强度,对接头中胶膜属性、圆弧区填充物属性和Z-pin增强三种结构参数对T型接头强度的影响进行了研究。设计了两种不同胶膜属性、两种不同填充材料和有无Z-pin的同尺寸试验件,完成拉伸试验,测得极限位移和极限拉伸强度,并进行了对比分析,同时研究了不同T型接头的损伤演化过程。结果表明:J299胶膜复合材料T型接头的极限位移和极限载荷相比于J116B胶膜分别提高了57.8%和64.7%;ZXC195增强芯复合材料T型接头的极限位移和极限载荷相比于单向带材料分别提高了51.7%和30.3%;Z-pin钉对复合材料T型接头的极限位移和极限载荷分别提高了190.8%和31.9%。三种结构参数均只影响接头的极限载荷和极限位移的大小,接头的整体刚度没有改变。胶膜属性对接头极限载荷的提高影响最大,而Z-pin对接头的极限位移提高影响最大。


    Abstract: In order to improve the strength of composite T-joint, effects of adhesive, filler and Z-pin on enhancing strength of composite T-joint were studied. Same size samples with two different adhesives, two different fillers and Z-pinned and Un-pinned composite T-joints were designed, Tensile tests were performed and then ultimate displacement and ultimate strength were obtained and compared. Damage evolution of T-joints was analyzed. It is shown that the ultimate displacement and strength of J299 adhesive composite T-joint are 57.8% and 64.7% higher than that of J116B joint, and the ultimate displacement and strength of ZXC195 enhanced core composite T-joint are 51.7% and 30.3% higher than that of unidirectional core joint, and Z-pin increases the ultimate displacement and strength of composite T-joint by 190.8% and 31.9%. These three structure parameters can only alter the ultimate strength and displacement of composite T-joint, but the structure stiffness keeps unchanged. Adhesive property has the largest effect on the ultimate strength, while Z-pin has the largest effect on the ultimate displacement.


