
Influences of rubber on drying shrinkage performance of cement based materials

  • 摘要: 为了考察橡胶增加水泥基材料干燥收缩量的机制,以橡胶水泥砂浆作为研究对象,采用毛细管张力理论分析了造成水泥砂浆干燥收缩的因素。使用压汞试验研究橡胶/水泥砂浆的孔结构,并进行了弹性模量和干燥收缩试验。研究结果表明,橡胶掺入会降低水泥砂浆的弹性模量,增加其孔隙率和干燥收缩量,且相同掺量条件下,小粒径橡胶的作用效果更明显。基于试验数据,考虑橡胶掺入对砂浆弹性模量的折减系数KE和橡胶掺入对毛细孔(孔径<50 nm的孔隙)数量的增加系数Kh,拟合了橡胶对水泥砂浆干燥收缩的影响参数δmr


    Abstract: In order to study the mechanism of the rubber effect on drying shrinkage of cement based materials, rubberized mortars were chosen as the study object. Capillary tension theory was used in the study to analysis the factors that influence the drying shrinkage of mortars. The mercury intrusion method was used to study the porosity of rubberized mortars, and the elastic modulus and the drying shrinkage tests were done as well. The results show that rubber especially that of small size can reduce the elastic modulus of cement mortars and increase the porosity and drying shrinkage of mortars. Based on the test results, KE is defined as the reduction factor of rubber on elastic modulus of mortar and Kh is defined as the increase factor of rubber on micropores (< 50 nm). δmr is defined as the rubber effect on mortar drying shrinkage, which is fitting according to KE and Kh.


