
Effect of nesting on the compaction behavior of unidirectional fabrics

  • 摘要: 通过分析纤维束受压横截面的变化,并基于经典的纤维束本构关系,建立了任意嵌套状态下两层单向织物压缩厚度与外部载荷、层间偏移量之间关系的理论模型。在此基础上进一步建立了多层织物的压缩响应模型。通过对上述模型数值求解,预测了不同层数织物压缩响应。结果表明:同等受力条件下,织物的平均每层厚度随着偏移率的增加而减小;在一定压力下多层织物的平均每层厚度分布近似符合正态分布,且随着层数的增多,分布将会越来越集中;对于大于10层的织物可直接采用压力与内部层间距的期望的变化曲线表征多层织物的压缩性能。经验证,该模型与实验数据吻合较好,从而验证了模型的正确性。


    Abstract: Based on the analysis on the change of the fiber bundle's cross-section and its constitutive model, compression model of two-layer fabrics was established with different nesting. The model associated fabric thickness with compression load, fabric structure and layer shifting could be used to describe the compressive behavior under any nested state. On this basis, the multilayer fabric compression model was further established. Through the numerical solution of the above model, the compressive response of different layers was predicted. The main conclusions are as follows:The average thickness decreases with the increase of shifting ratio at a given pressure. The distribution of average thickness per layer takes the shape close to a typical distribution at a given pressure and becomes narrow with the increase of the number of layers. When the number of layers is more than 10, the compaction properties of multi-layer fabrics can be described by the mathematical expectation of the thickness of inner layer as a function of external load. The model is in well accordance with the experimental data. The feasibility of the model is verified.


