
Preparation and properties of icariin loaded silk fibroin/β-tricalcium phosphate bone repair composite

  • 摘要: 在多孔β-Ca3(PO42(β-TCP)表面沉积含有淫羊藿苷(ICA)的丝蛋白(SF)层,制备可缓释ICA的SF-ICA/β-TCP骨修复复合材料,研究SF-ICA/β-TCP复合材料的相关性能。结果表明,SF-ICA/β-TCP复合材料中ICA的引入并未改变基体材料的微观形貌与孔隙率;体外释放实验表明,通过负载量的调控,可以实现SF-ICA/β-TCP复合材料中ICA的高浓度释放(2.80×10-4 mg/mL至7.00×10-4 mg/mL)和低浓度释放(5×10-6 mg/mL至1.0×10-5 mg/mL),累计释放量分别达到约5.2×10-3 mg和7.0×10-5 mg;细胞增殖实验与电镜观察表明,SF-ICA/β-TCP复合材料中ICA的负载对小鼠颅顶前骨细胞的增殖无显著性影响;但碱性磷酸酶活性检测实验表明,负载高含量ICA的SF-ICA/β-TCP复合材料中的细胞具有较高的碱性磷酸酶表达。所制备的负载ICA的SF-ICA/β-TCP复合材料在体内骨修复领域具有潜在的应用前景。


    Abstract: Using silk fibroin (SF) as a co-absorbed carrier to load the icariin (ICA) on the interface of porous β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP), the SF-ICA/β-TCP composites were abtained. The microstructure and porosity of the SF-ICA/β-TCP composite were maintained. The release tests show that the ICA release in composite can be controlled by loading amount. High release (2.80×10-4 mg/mL to 7.00×10-4 mg/mL) or low release (5×10-6 mg/mL to 1.0×10-5 mg/mL) of the ICA has been detected and the cumulative release is 5.2×10-3 mg or 7.0×10-5 mg, respectively. The cell proliferation have and scanning electron microscopy observation has displayed no indicated significant difference between the ICA loaded or blank SF/β-TCP composite. However, there is high expression of alkaline phosphatase activity in the ICA loaded SF/β-TCP composite. The high ICA loaded β-tricalcium phosphate may have a potential application in bone repair in vivo.


