
Structure and mechanical property of recycled PET fiber/PP composite

  • 摘要: 为满足环境保护和可持续发展的需要,废弃无纺布的回收再利用已经成为材料领域的又一研究热点。本文以废弃无纺布为研究对象制得再生聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)纤维,通过热压成型技术制备不同纤维含量的PET/聚丙烯(PP)复合材料。综合利用SEM、DSC、XRD、拉伸性能测试等手段对PET/PP复合材料的结构和性能进行了研究。结果表明:低含量的PET纤维均匀分散在PP基体中,与基体间界面结合紧密;PET纤维的异相成核作用促进了PP分子链的结晶,提高了结晶度,使晶粒细化;这些微结构的变化有利于PET/PP复合膜力学性能的提高,当PET纤维含量仅为0.1%时,PET/PP复合膜的拉伸强度提高了25.99%,断裂韧性提高了61.96%。


    Abstract: For environmental protection and sustainable development, the recycling and reusing of wasted non-woven fabrics has become a hot research topic in the field of materials. In this thesis, the recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fiber was made from wasted non-woven fabrics, which was used to prepare PET/polypropylene (PP) composites with different fiber content by a hot pressing molding technique. A combination of SEM, DSC, XRD and tensile test was performed to provide a more comprehensive analysis of the structure and mechanical property of the PET/PP composites. The main results are as follows: the recycled PET fiber can be well dispersed in PP matrix at low content, and the interfacial adhesion between them is strong. Crystallinzation of PP molecular chain can be promoted with the addition of PET fiber owing to heterogeneous nucleation effect. Moreover, PET fiber is of advantage to increase the degree of crystallinity and grain refinement of PP, which can improve the mechanical property of the PET/PP composites. When the PET fiber content is only 0.1%, the tensile strength of the PET/PP composites is increased by 25.99% and the toughness thereof increased by 61.96%.


