
Preparation and thermal performances of 3D graphene network/epoxy resin thermal interface composites

  • 摘要: 三维网状石墨烯/环氧树脂热界面复合材料由于具有良好的热导性能和力学性能,而被广泛应用于微电子器件领域。但是通过化学剥离-还原法制备石墨烯,在填加石墨烯质量分数相同的条件下,石墨烯/环氧树脂热界面复合材料的热导率差别仍然很大。研究发现这主要是由于石墨烯表面官能团含量不同所导致的,因此很难建立统一的标准评估石墨烯作为导热填料的作用效果。为了避免表面官能团对石墨烯/环氧树脂复合物热导率的影响,本研究小组采用化学气相沉积法制备的三维网状石墨烯作为导热填料,对环氧树脂进行修饰,制备了一系列石墨烯/环氧树脂材料。通过研究三维网状石墨烯含量对石墨烯/环氧树脂材料热导率、力学性能及热导率在高温条件下稳定性的影响,有助于完善石墨烯修饰的环氧树脂热界面复合材料的研究,并建立石墨烯作为导热填料的评价体系。


    Abstract: Graphene modified epoxy resin, which can be used widely in the microelectronic device area, has attracted a great deal attention due to its excellent thermal conductivity and mechanical strength. However, the reported thermal conductivities of thermal interface composite (TIMs) from different research groups shows obvious discrepancy even if the adopted mass fraction of graphene is identical. After research, we found that the reduction degree is closely related to the thermal performance of resulting TIMs. Thereby, it is difficult to evaluate the RGO acting as conductive filler under uniform standard. In this study, 3D graphene network was employed as the conductive filler to prepare a series thermal interface composites with epoxy resin. The influence from mass fraction of adopted 3D graphene network on the thermal conductivity of resulting thermal interface composites was studied, and the influences on the thermal performance stability under high temperature and mechanical properties were revealed. The findings are useful to build a completed evaluation system for estimate the ability of graphene using as conductive filler.


