
Performance comparison of different plant fibers/bone glue composites

  • 摘要: 为利用农业废弃物制备生物质材料,以稻秸秆、麦秸秆、花生秸秆、稻壳、麦壳及花生壳为填充材料,以骨胶为基体材料,采用模压成型工艺制备六种生物质植物纤维/骨胶复合材料,对六种植物纤维成分进行测试,对其制备的生物质复合材料的力学性能、吸湿性能、表面官能团和热稳定性进行分析,用体视显微镜观察复合材料拉伸断面的微观结构。结果表明,麦秸秆纤维素含量较高,稻秸秆纤维素含量仅次之。同种生物质的秸秆比其壳制备的复合材料性能好,其中稻秸秆/骨胶复合材料有较好的界面相容性和力学性能,其拉伸强度和冲击强度分别为4.14 MPa、4.89 kJ/m2,比稻壳/骨胶复合材料分别高118%、22.6%,比麦秸秆和花生秸秆制备的复合材料分别高4.42%、37.3%和56.9%、20.8%。稻秸秆/骨胶复合材料的抗吸湿性能较好,平衡吸湿率为12.35%,比麦秸秆、花生秸秆、麦壳、稻壳、花生壳制备的复合材料分别低27.11%、16.72%、19.36%、0.04%、15.97%。麦秸秆由于表面蜡质层,其与骨胶制备复合材料的性能较差。六种生物质复合材料中,稻壳/骨胶复合材料的热稳定性较好。


    Abstract: For preparing biomass materials with agricultural waste, using rice straw, wheat straw, peanut straw, rice husk, wheat husk and peanut shell as fillers, bone glue as base material, six kinds of different fillers biomass composites were prepared by compression molding process. The components of the plant fibers were analyzed, and the mechanical property, hygroscopic capability, surface functional groups and thermostability of the composites were tested. The section microstructures of the composites were observed using stereomicroscope. It is found that cellulose content of wheat straw is the highest, which is followed by rice straw. The properties of composites prepared with the straw are better than with the shell from the same biomass. The rice straw/bone glue composite has the best binding interface compatibility and mechanical properties with tensile strength of 4.14 MPa and impact strength of 4.89 kJ/m2, which are 118% and 22.6% higher than that of rice husk/bone glue composite, 4.42%, 37.3%, 56.9% and 20.8% higher than that of wheat straw/bone glue and peanut straw/bone glue composites, respectively. The rice straw/bone glue composite has good anti-hygroscopic capability with equilibrium moisture absorption rate of 12.35%, 27.11%, 16.72%, 19.36%, 0.04% and 15.97% lower than the composites prepared with wheat straw, peanut straw, rice husk, wheat husk and peanut shell, respectively. With more wax layer on the surface of wheat straw, its composite with bone glue has poor properties. The rice husk/bone glue composite is the best in the thermostability among six kinds of biomass composites.


