
Nanoindentation-based study of the microstructure and degree of hydration in hardened cement paste

  • 摘要: 采用纳米原位压痕手段测量硬化水泥净浆中单一相态的代表性微观力学性能,并采用纳米点阵压痕研究各相态的含量。研究对象囊括水灰比为0.3、0.4、0.5的纯水泥净浆和水灰比为0.3情况下含50%、70%矿渣掺量复合体系,共5种配比,以表征它们的相态分布和微观力学性质的异同点。掺矿渣的试件中含有明显多的复合相,因此提出三相模型测算复合相中未水化物的体积分数。此外,提出基于纳米压痕技术计算纯水泥和掺矿渣水泥试件水化程度的方法,结果吻合于热重分析的结果,其中纯水泥净浆中复合相较少,计算得到的水化程度优于对掺矿渣水泥试件的计算。


    Abstract: The nanoindentation technique was used to measure the micro-mechanical properties of individual phase in hardened cement pastes through discrete nanoindentation, and the properties over large areas through grid nanoindentation. Comparisons were made between pastes with water to cement (w/cm) mass ratio of 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 and the slag content of 0, 50% and 70% for water to cement=0.3 paste, to illustrate their differences on the phase distribution and the micro-mechanical properties. Significant portion of composite phase was found in slag-blended paste. A three-phase model was used to determine the volume fraction of the unhydrated phase included in the composite. A nanoindentation-based methodology was proposed to calculate the degree of hydration of Portland cement and slag-blended cement pastes. The calculated degree of hydration are more consistent with the results obtained from thermal gravimetric method for Portland cement pastes than that of the slag-blended pastes.


