
Prediction on tensile strength of inter-ply hybrid composite laminates

  • 摘要: 采用更为合理的分散度系数表达式改进了玻/碳层间混杂复合材料板断裂应变混杂效应系数公式,结合该混杂效应系数公式与复合材料强度混合定律,提出了层间混杂复合材料单向板的拉伸强度预报方法。将该混杂效应系数公式引入复合材料多向板渐近损伤有限元分析模型,修正了低延伸率纤维单层板的拉伸强度值,在此基础上提出了层间混杂复合材料多向板拉伸强度预报方法,并讨论了刚度退化方案。结果表明,模型预报值与实验均吻合较好,尤其考虑混杂效应的预报值与实验情况更加接近;基体退化系数大的刚度退化方案与实验更为吻合。


    Abstract: The formula of hybrid effect coefficient for the fracture strain of glass fiber/carbon fiber (GF/CF) inter-ply hybrid composite laminates was improved with better dispersity formula. Based on the formula of hybrid effect coefficient and the mixing rule, the prediction method on the tensile strength of unidirectional inter-ply hybrid composite laminates was put forward. The progressive damage FEM of the tensile strength of multidirectional composite laminates was established, into which the formula of hybrid effect coefficient and the improvement of tensile strength of low-elongation fiber lamina were introduced. On this basis, the prediction method of the tensile strength of multidirectional inter-ply hybrid composite laminates was proposed. In the model, the stiffness degradation cases of progressive damage were also discussed. The results show that the computational results are well consistent with the test results as a whole, especially better for the computational results with considering hybrid effect. The larger stiffness degradation coefficient of matrix shows better results.


