
Hexogeon detonation synthesis of nano diamond-Al2O3 composite

  • 摘要: 采用纳米金刚石与B2O3高温共熔,与Al溶胶溶液均匀混合等步骤制备前驱体粉末,与不同质量分数黑索金均匀混合制成药卷,起爆药卷,收集爆轰产物分析。利用XRD、场发射透射电镜观察,并且运用BKW计算程序运算含Al、B元素特殊炸药的爆轰参数,探讨产物生成的机制。分析爆轰产物的组成成分、形貌结构。结果表明:纳米金刚石-Al2O3结构的纳米颗粒具备纳米金刚石易与任何极性物质兼容、分散稳定好、不易团聚等优点。爆轰反应生成的高温、高压使Al2O3、B2O3-纳米金刚石分子间的化学键断裂,形成游离态的B2O3-纳米金刚石、Al2O3自由基,自由碰撞后迅速凝结成小液滴。高温作用下,Al2O3熔化成球状,吸附B2O3-纳米金刚石,且黑索金比重越大,得到的产物包覆结构越明显。形成的纳米颗粒比原有的纳米金刚石粉末粒径增大许多。


    Abstract: Nano diamond and boric anhydride were melted together at high temperature and then was mixed with alumina sol solution. Different proportions of hexogeon powder mixed homogeneously to precursor powder were made into blasting charges. Cartridges were detonated and products were collected. XRD and transmission electron microscopy with selected area electron diffraction were used to characterize the obtained detonation products. And BKW calculation program was used to operate special explosive detonation parameters contained Al and B element.The results show that nano diamond-Al2O3 full-package structures are found. The polar material compatibility and good dispersion stability are connected to such nano particle. The product generation mechanism is explored. The chemical bonds are broken by temperature and pressure produced by detonation reaction. The droplet is formed of radical B2O3-nano diamond, Al2O3 after collision. Al2O3 is made into a ball at high temperature. And radical B2O3-nano diamond is absorbed. More perfect encapsulation structure and bigger nano diamond is produced by more hexogeon.


