
Application of buckling/post-buckling analysis for composite stiffened panels

  • 摘要: 研究了复合材料加筋板翼面结构稳定性问题,分析了加筋板在压缩和剪切等载荷作用下的稳定性安全裕度。利用计算复合材料加筋板屈曲及后屈曲承载能力的方法,验证复杂受载情况下结构的稳定性。验证对象是一个优化后的满足强度、刚度和工艺制造要求的复合材料机翼。该机翼在各种载荷工况下的内力分布情况由MSC.NASTRAN分析得到,通过本文提出的方法得到每块蒙皮的稳定性承载能力。然后给出复合材料层合板在复杂载荷下的屈曲及后屈曲安全裕度的计算准则,验证优化后的机翼加筋板是否满足稳定性设计要求。该方法可作为约束集成到结构优化系统平台中。


    Abstract: The problem of stability for wing surface structure made of composite stiffened panels was studied, and stability safety margin of stiffened panels under compression and shear loads was analyzed. A method of calculating buckling and post-buckling loading capacity of composite stiffened panels was presented and used to check the structural stability under complex loading conditions. The object for check is an optimized wing made of composites which satisfies the requirement of strength, stiffness and manufacture process. The internal force distribution of the wing under various load cases was obtained by MSC.NASTRAN, and the stability loading capacity of each skin block was acquired by the method proposed in this paper. Then the buckling and post-buckling safety margin calculation principles for composite laminated plates under complex loading were given to verify whether the stiffened panels of the optimized wing meet the stability design requirements. This method can be integrated into a structure optimization platform as a constraint.


