
Development status and facing challenge of advanced polymer matrix composites

  • 摘要: 先进树脂基复合材料已经成为一类最重要的航空航天结构材料。主要介绍了国内外先进树脂基复合材料增强纤维、树脂基体、制造技术和结构功能一体化技术的发展,以及先进树脂基复合材料的考核应用状况,并讨论分析了先进树脂基复合材料的发展趋势与面临的机遇和挑战。先进树脂基复合材料发展目前面临的机遇与挑战有:树脂基复合材料继续向高性能化发展;结构功能一体化树脂基复合材料呈现多功能化和尖端化趋势;基于多尺度建模和表征的复合材料设计技术迎来极其重要的发展机遇;多功能化成为未来碳纳米复合材料发展的重要目标;环境友好催生绿色复合材料、热塑性复合材料以及高效循环再利用技术;智能复合材料技术支撑更大、更集成化复合材料整体结构的可靠应用;“互联网”时代复合材料将面临研究方式的深刻变革。


    Abstract: Advanced polymer matrix composites have become one of the most important structural materials in aeronautics and astronautics. The developments of reinforced fiber, resin matrix, manufacturing technology, structural function integration technology, test and application of advanced polymer matrix composites at home and abroad were introduced. The development trend, facing opportunities and challenges of advanced polymer matrix composites are discussed. The main development opportunities and challenges of the advanced polymer matrix composites are:the polymer matrix composites continue to develop towards high-performance. Structural function integration polymer matrix composites present a trend of multi-function and sophistication. The composite design technology based on multi-scale modeling and characterization is facing an extremely important development opportunity. Multi-function becomes the important development objective of carbon nanocomposite in the future. Environmentally friendly gives the birth of green composite, thermoplastic composites and high efficient recycling technology. Smart composite technology supports reliable application of the larger and more integrated overall structure of the composite. Composite is facing a profound change in research way in the "Internet" age.


