
Effect of circular hole on impact resistance of GLARE laminates

  • 摘要: 为获得圆孔对玻璃纤维增强铝合金(GLARE)层合板抗冲击性能的影响规律,采用40 J的冲击能量对无孔和含圆孔GLARE层合板进行了落锤低速冲击试验,获得了冲击载荷、挠度和能量-时间曲线。应用ABAQUS/Explicit有限元分析软件对试验进行模拟,并预测了圆孔直径对GLARE层合板抗冲击性能的影响。结果显示:在低速冲击下,GLARE层合板纤维层的失效模式以分层损伤和纤维断裂为主;随着圆孔边缘至冲击中心距离的增加,层合板的冲击载荷峰值提高,而挠度峰值减小;数值模拟结果与试验结果的比较验证了模型的合理性;随着圆孔直径的增大,GLARE层合板的抗冲击性能逐步劣化。


    Abstract: In order to obtain the effect laws of circular hole on the impact resistance of glass fiber reinforced aluminum (GLARE) laminates, the drop weight low velocity impact tests on GLARE laminates without hole and with a circular hole were performed with impact energy of 40 J, and the impact load, deflection, and energy-time curves were obtained. The commercial finite element software ABAQUS/Explicit finite element amalysis software was employed to simulate the tests and predict the effect of circular hole diameter on the impact resistance of GLARE laminates. The results show that the damage patterns of fiber layers in GLARE laminates are mainly delamination damage and fiber fracture under low velocity impact. The impact peak load of laminates increases with increasing distance between the edge of circular hole and impacted center, while the peak deflection decreases. The comparison between numerical simulation results and test results verifies the rationality of the model. With the increase of circular hole diameter, the impact resistance of GLARE laminates decreases gradually.


