
Effects of hollow glass microsphere content on properties of epoxy syntactic foams

  • 摘要: 以空心玻璃微球(HGM)填充环氧树脂制备了密度为0.56~0.91 g/cm3的HGM/环氧复合泡沫塑料。研究了HGM含量对复合泡沫塑料黏度、力学性能、动态力学性能及隔热性能的影响。结果表明:表面偶联处理后增加了HGM的表面亲油性,改善了其与基体树脂间的相容性和界面性能,有利于HGM/环氧复合泡沫塑料性能的提高;体系黏度与HGM含量呈正相关,与温度呈负相关;随着HGM含量的增加,HGM/环氧复合泡沫塑料的压缩强度、弯曲强度和拉伸强度均有一定程度的降低,但是比强度变化不大,材料得到很大程度的轻质化;HGM的引入使得HGM/环氧复合泡沫塑料玻璃化转变温度向低温方向偏移,储能模量呈现先减小后增加的趋势,导热系数由纯环氧树脂的0.203 W/(m·K)减小到HGM含量为40wt%时的0.126 W/(m·K)。HGM/环氧复合泡沫塑料阻尼性能和隔热性能均有所提高。


    Abstract: Hollow glass microsphere(HGM)/epoxy syntactic foams were prepared with epoxy filled with HGM, The density of the syntactic foams was maintained 0.56-0.91 g/cm3. Viscosity, mechanical properties, dynamic mechanical properties and thermal insulation properties of the syntactic foams were investigated with respect to HGM content. The results show that surface coupling modification improves surface lipophilicity of HGM, thus increases the compatibility and interfacial property between HGM and resin matrix, which is beneficial to enhancing the property of syntactic foams. The viscosity of system increases with HGM content increasing and decreases with temperature increasing. The compressive, flexural and tensile strength decrease with increasing HGM content to some extent, the specific strength changes little, making a high degree of weight saving. With the incorporation of HGM, the glass transition temperature of HGM/epoxy syntactic foams shifts to low temperature and the storage modulus first decreases then increases, thermal conductivity decreases from 0.203 W/(m·K) of neat epoxy to 0.126 W/(m·K) of syntactic foams containing 40wt% of HGM, there is a significant improvement on damping and thermal insulation properties of HGM/epoxy syntactic foams.


