
Structural-acoustic radiation optimization based on damping materials topological distribution

  • 摘要: 基于拓扑优化思想, 提出一种人工材料假设, 建立了阻尼材料铺设的拓扑优化数学模型。在阻尼材料用量一定的情况下实现阻尼材料最优分布, 达到减振降噪之目的。采用遗传算法进行求解, 进行了阻尼材料和人工材料的转换, 实现了阻尼材料的拓扑优化。数值算例表明: 所提方法在减振降噪设计中具有可行性和有效性, 有较好的工程应用价值, 可为阻尼材料的敷设提供一种可行有效的思路。


    Abstract: According to the topological optimization idea, an artificial material hypothesis was proposed, the topological optimization mathematical model of damping materials distribution was constructed. Based on the optimization distribution of damping material, the vibration and acoustic radiation were reduced, in which the mass of the damping material was defined as a constrain condition. By introducing genetic algorithm, the optimization problems were solved, and the structural material conversion between damping material and artificial material was carried out, and the topology optimization of damping material distribution was achieved. Numerical results show that the proposed optimization approach for reducing vibration and acoustic radiation is effective and feasible. The results turn out to have good practicable value in engineering. An feasible and effective method to solve the problem for damping material distribution was provided.


