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李传习 李游 高有为 胡正 刘一鸣

李传习, 李游, 高有为, 等. 纳米SiO2质量分数对胶粘碳纤维增强树脂复合材料板-钢搭接界面黏结性能的影响[J]. 复合材料学报, 2020, 37(10): 2619-2635. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20200319.001
引用本文: 李传习, 李游, 高有为, 等. 纳米SiO2质量分数对胶粘碳纤维增强树脂复合材料板-钢搭接界面黏结性能的影响[J]. 复合材料学报, 2020, 37(10): 2619-2635. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20200319.001
LI Chuanxi, LI You, GAO Youwei, et al. Effect of nano-SiO2 mass fraction on the interface performance of glued carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite-steel specimen[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2020, 37(10): 2619-2635. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20200319.001
Citation: LI Chuanxi, LI You, GAO Youwei, et al. Effect of nano-SiO2 mass fraction on the interface performance of glued carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite-steel specimen[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2020, 37(10): 2619-2635. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20200319.001


doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20200319.001
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51778069;51708047;51978081);国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目(2015CB057701;2015CB057702);广东省交通厅科技项目(201602010);湖南省研究生科研创新重点项目(CX20190635);桥梁工程安全控制教育部重点实验室开放基金项目(16BCX12)

    李游,博士,研究方向为钢结构加固及土木工程新材料、新技术 E-mail:liyou_2@163.com

  • 中图分类号: TB332

Effect of nano-SiO2 mass fraction on the interface performance of glued carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite-steel specimen

  • 摘要: 胶黏剂力学性能对碳纤维增强树脂复合材料(CFRP)加固钢结构的界面黏结性能影响显著。基于研制的胶黏剂配比,分析了不同纳米SiO2质量分数对胶黏剂常温固化后基本力学性能及微观结构的影响,制作了31个CFRP板-钢板双搭接试件,对其进行了常温固化后的承载能力、有效黏结长度、传力模式、黏结-滑移本构等试验研究,得出了纳米SiO2质量分数对CFRP板-钢板搭接试件界面黏结性能的影响规律,并与常用商品胶黏剂进行了比较。研究结果表明:随纳米SiO2质量分数的增加,胶黏剂应力-应变关系由线性转变为非线性,应变能、断裂伸长率及剪切强度分别最高提升了292.10%、202.88%和133.12%。微观结构分析表明纳米SiO2的添加使断面粗糙度显著增加,形成了密集的塑性空穴,产生了更多的微裂纹,使胶黏剂的韧性大幅度提高。当纳米SiO2质量分数从0增至1wt%,搭接试件破坏模式由界面破坏逐渐变为CFRP板层离破坏。掺入纳米SiO2能显著增加搭接试件的极限承载力(提升256.96%)及界面有效黏结长度(提升3倍),提高CFRP表面的应变及界面剪应力峰值。纳米SiO2质量分数为0与0.5wt%的搭接试件的黏结-滑移曲线为双线性三角形模型,纳米SiO2质量分数为1wt%的搭接试件的黏结-滑移曲线为三线性梯形模型,黏结界面韧性大幅提升。CFRP-钢界面承载能力受胶黏剂拉伸强度与断裂伸长率的双重影响,非线性高强度(即具有较高应变能)胶黏剂对应的CFRP-钢搭接接头具有更好的界面性能。


  • 图  1  胶黏剂拉伸试样的尺寸

    Figure  1.  Dimensions of adhesive tensile specimens

    图  2  胶黏剂剪切试样的尺寸

    Figure  2.  Dimensions of adhesive shear specimens

    图  4  胶黏剂试样拉伸试验

    Figure  4.  Tensile test of adhesive specimen

    图  5  胶黏剂试样剪切试验

    Figure  5.  Shear test of adhesive specimen

    图  3  CFRP-钢双搭接接头的形式及应变片布置

    Figure  3.  CFRP-steel double lap joint form and strain gauge arrangement

    图  6  CFRP-钢双搭接试件拉伸试验

    Figure  6.  Tensile test of CFRP-steel double lap test piece

    图  7  胶黏剂拉伸名义应力-应变曲线

    Figure  7.  Tensile nominal stress-strain curves of adhesive specimen

    图  8  胶黏剂剪切应力-应变曲线

    Figure  8.  Shear stress-strain curves of adhesive specimen

    图  9  胶黏剂基本力学性能随纳米SiO2掺量变化

    Figure  9.  Basic mechanical properties of adhesives varied with the amount of nano- SiO2

    图  10  胶黏剂拉伸断面SEM图像

    Figure  10.  SEM images of the tensile section of the adhesive

    图  11  CFRP-钢界面破坏模式

    Figure  11.  Interface failure modes of CFRP-steel

    图  12  CFRP-钢双搭接试件荷载-位移曲线

    Figure  12.  Load-displacement curves of CFRP-steel double lap test piece

    图  13  ZR14胶黏剂的CFRP-钢试件极限荷载与黏结长度之间的关系

    Figure  13.  Relationship between ultimate load and bond length of CFRP-steel specimens of ZR14 adhesive

    图  14  CFRP的表面应变分布

    Figure  14.  Strain distribution of CFRP surface

    图  15  CFRP-钢界面剪应力分布

    Figure  15.  Shear stress distribution at CFRP-steel interface

    图  16  CFRP-钢界面黏结滑移本构

    Figure  16.  Bond-slip constitutive of CFRP-steel interface

    图  17  CFRP-钢界面剪应力峰值的预测值与实验值比较

    Figure  17.  Comparison between the predicted and tested maximum bond stress of CFRP-steel interface

    图  18  CFRP-钢界面断裂能的预测值与实验值比较

    Figure  18.  Comparison between the predicted and tested interfacial fracture energy of CFRP-steel interface

    图  19  CFRP-钢搭接试件极限承载力的预测值与实验值比较

    Figure  19.  Comparison between the predicted and tested ultimate loads of CFRP-steel lap joint

    图  20  本文胶黏剂与商品胶黏剂的应力-应变曲线

    Figure  20.  Stress and strain curves of adhesives developed in this paper and commercial adhesives

    图  21  CFRP-钢界面黏结-滑移本构模型的比较

    Figure  21.  Comparison of bond-slip constitutive models at CFRP-steel interface

    表  1  胶黏剂中纳米SiO2与环氧树脂质量

    Table  1.   Mass of nano-SiO2 and epoxy resin in adhesive specimen

    Epoxy resin/g 120 120 120 120 120 120
    Nano-SiO2/g 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.8
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    表  2  碳纤维增强树脂复合材料(CFRP)板及钢板材料性能

    Table  2.   Material properties of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) plate and steel plate

    Material propertyCFRP laminateSteel plate
    Thickness/mm 1.4 12
    Width/mm 50 50
    Tensile strength/MPa 2 263 514
    Elasticity modulus/GPa 161.2 206
    Elongation at break/% 1.65
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    表  3  纳米SiO2质量分数对CFRP-钢双搭接试件试验结果影响

    Table  3.   Effect of the mass fraction of nano-SiO2 on test results of CFRP-steel double lap test pieces

    Specimen numberTa/mmLimit displacement/mmUltimate load/kNAverage bond strength/MPaFailure mode
    ${D_{{\rm{max}}} }$Average${P_{{\rm{max}}} }$Average${\overline p _{\max }}$Average
    ZR10-120-1 1.11 0.89 0.88 45.42 44.68 3.79 3.73 a
    ZR10-120-2 1.09 0.76 37.88 3.16 a
    ZR10-120-3 1.12 1.00 50.74 4.23 b
    ZR11-120-1 1.12 1.25 1.11 67.52 57.55 5.63 4.80 a
    ZR11-120-2 1.14 1.11 54.77 4.56 b
    ZR11-120-3 1.10 0.96 50.37 4.20 b,d
    ZR12-120-1 1.09 1.96 2.11 100.75 102.31 8.40 8.53 d
    ZR12-120-2 1.13 1.90 90.25 7.52 d
    ZR12-120-3 1.12 2.37 109.73 9.14 d
    ZR12-120-4 1.11 2.21 108.51 9.04 d
    ZR13-120-1 1.08 2.64 2.55 128.17 121.46 10.68 10.12 d
    ZR13-120-2 1.10 2.45 113.74 9.48 d
    ZR13-120-3 1.13 2.56 122.51 10.21 d
    ZR14-120-1 1.12 3.52 3.11 146.86 159.49 12.24 13.29 d
    ZR14-120-2 1.11 3.13 157.71 13.14 d
    ZR14-120-3 1.11 3.59 173.89 14.49 d
    ZR15-120-1 1.12 0.92 0.89 43.93 42.86 3.66 3.57 b
    ZR15-120-2 1.14 0.94 45.34 3.78 b
    ZR15-120-3 1.15 0.82 39.30 3.28 a
    Notes: Specimen number ZR**-A-B: ZR** indicates type of adhesive, the character A indicates bond length of specimen, and the character B indicates the serial number of specimens in each group; Ta—Thickness of adhesive layer; Dmax—Limit displacement. It represents variation of the distance between A1 and B1 points when specimens failed, as shown in Fig.3; Pmax—Ultimate load; ${\overline p _{\max }}$—Average bond strength; Failure mode—a indicates CFRP and adhesive debonding failure; b indicates steel and adhesive debonding failure; d indicates CFRP delamination.
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    表  4  CFRP -钢界面剪应力峰值的预测值与实验值比较

    Table  4.   Comparison between the predicted and tested maximum shear stress of CFRP-steel interface

    SpecimenEpoxyfa/MPaPrediction result/MPaTest result/MPaPrediction result/test result
    ZR12-120-1 ZR12 45.28 22.64 26.26 0.86
    ZR12-120-2 ZR12 45.28 22.64 23.80 0.95
    ZR12-120-3 ZR12 45.28 22.64 19.98 1.13
    ZR14-120-1 ZR14 44.09 22.05 22.97 0.96
    ZR14-120-2 ZR14 44.09 22.05 22.53 0.98
    ZR14-120-3 ZR14 44.09 22.05 25.51 0.86
    C120[34] Araldite 2011 (CNT) 52.40 26.20 23.80 1.10
    P120[34] Araldite 2011 (pure) 40.00 20.00 21.80 0.92
    T1-1[3] T1 50.00 25.00 25.37 0.99
    Tc-1[3] Tc 25.69 12.85 11.79 1.09
    D-NM-T1 –I[35] Araldite 420 21.46 10.73 11.00 0.98
    Average 0.984
    Variance 0.008
    Note: fa—Tensile strength of adhesive.
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    表  5  CFRP-钢界面断裂能的预测值与实验值比较

    Table  5.   Comparison between the predicted and tested fracture energy of CFRP-steel interface

    SpecimenStrain energy
    $\omega $/MPa
    Thickness of
    Prediction result /
    Test result /
    Prediction result/
    test result
    ZR12-120 0.06 1.12 2.42 3.19 0.76
    ZR14-120 0.12 1.11 6.74 6.70 1.01
    A350-0.5-1[34] 0.165 0.52 7.59 6.24 1.22
    A350-1.0-1[34] 0.165 0.99 10.26 10.19 1.01
    A350-2.0-1[34] 0.165 1.90 13.92 13.79 1.01
    A-NM-T1-I[35] 0.0405 1.07 1.32 1.05 1.25
    A-NM-T1.5[35] 0.0405 1.53 1.56 1.38 1.13
    A-NM-T2[35] 0.0405 2.06 1.79 1.78 1.01
    C-MM-T1[35] 0.1475 1.04 8.89 10.35 0.86
    Average 1.048
    Variance 0.113
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    表  6  本文研制的胶黏剂与商品胶黏剂的主要力学性能指标

    Table  6.   Main mechanical properties of adhesives developed in this paper and commercial adhesives

    Tensile strength/MPa 45.28 44.09 24.40 30.50 25.30 26.60
    Elongation at break/% 2.38 4.21 0.54 4.09 0.22 0.69
    Elastic modulus/MPa 2 217 1 544 4 870 2 410 12 130 3 990
    Strain energy/(N·mm-2) 0.05784 0.11669 0.00706 0.09965 0.00326 0.01021
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    表  7  CFRP-钢界面黏结-滑移本构参数的比较

    Table  7.   Comparison of bond-slip constitutive parameters of CFRP-steel interface

    ${\tau _{\rm{f}}}$/MPa 22.34 14.50 22.00 8.54 17.00 25.98
    ${\delta _{\rm{f}}}$/mm 0.419 0.28 0.40 0.29 0.26 0.40
    $K$/(MPa·mm−1) 227.96 59.00 57.89 47.44 65.38 355.00
    ${G_{\rm{f}}}$/(MPa·mm−1) 6.691 1.94 4.40 1.20 2.21 6.87
    Notes: τf—Peak shear stress; δf—Limit slip; K—Interfacial stiffness; Gf—Interfacial fracture energy.
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