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何志豪 张柄桢 潘维浩 孙晶 宋金龙

何志豪, 张柄桢, 潘维浩, 等. 耐磨防覆冰聚四氟乙烯表面设计与加工[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(10): 5161-5171. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240029.001
引用本文: 何志豪, 张柄桢, 潘维浩, 等. 耐磨防覆冰聚四氟乙烯表面设计与加工[J]. 复合材料学报, 2024, 41(10): 5161-5171. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240029.001
HE Zhihao, ZHANG Bingzhen, PAN Weihao, et al. Design and processing of wear-resistant and ice-resistant PTFE surface[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(10): 5161-5171. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240029.001
Citation: HE Zhihao, ZHANG Bingzhen, PAN Weihao, et al. Design and processing of wear-resistant and ice-resistant PTFE surface[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2024, 41(10): 5161-5171. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240029.001


doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20240029.001
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(52175380);辽宁省自然科学基金优秀青年基金计划项目(2023JH3/10200013);航空科学基金(2023Z045063001);“兴辽英才计划”青年拔尖人才项目(XLYC2203115);基本科研业务费医工交叉联合基金项目(DUT23YG118)

    孙晶,博士,教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为仿生功能表面的制备与应用 E-mail: sunjing@dlut.edu.cn

    宋金龙,博士,研究员,博士生导师,研究方向为功能表面特种加工技术 E-mail: songjinlong@dlut.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TB34;TB332

Design and processing of wear-resistant and ice-resistant PTFE surface

Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China (52175380); Outstanding Youth Natural Science Foundation of Liaoning Province (2023JH3/10200013); Aviation Science Fund (2023Z045063001); Liaoning Revitalization Talents Program (XLYC2203115); Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (DUT23YG118)
  • 摘要: 冰射流清洗设备料仓表面的覆冰常造成设备停机维修,但如何降低料仓表面的覆冰粘附力是目前研究的难点。本文采用CO2激光刻蚀聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)获得超疏水表面,并设计了一种菱形支撑肋阵列结构提高超疏水PTFE表面的耐磨性。CO2激光刻蚀能在PTFE表面形成多层次交错堆叠纤维结构,且激光刻蚀后的表面化学成分无明显变化。在50 μm激光扫描线间距、300 mm/s扫描速度和9 W激光功率下,可获得164°接触角、4°滚动角的超疏水PTFE表面。设计的30°顶角角度、3 mm菱形边长和0.05 mm肋边宽度的菱形支撑肋阵列结构可有效提高超疏水PTFE表面的耐磨性。即使被砂纸摩擦6 m后,具有菱形支撑肋阵列结构的超疏水PTFE表面仍能保持良好的超疏水性,且覆冰粘附力仅为普通PTFE表面的50%。本耐磨防覆冰PTFE表面有望应用于冰射流清洗设备。


  • 图  1  CO2激光刻蚀聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)获得超疏水表面:(a) CO2激光刻蚀PTFE表面示意图;(b) CO2激光刻蚀区域和未刻蚀区域的宏观形貌;(c) CO2激光未刻蚀区域的微观形貌;(d) CO2激光刻蚀区域的微观形貌(激光加工参数:9 W激光功率、300 mm/s扫描速度、50 μm扫描线间距)

    Figure  1.  CO2 laser processing polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) to obtain superhydrophobic surface: (a) Schematic diagram of CO2 laser processing PTFE surface; (b) Macroscopic morphology of CO2 laser processed area and unprocessed area; (c) Microscopic morphology of CO2 laser processed area; (d) Microscopic morphology of CO2 laser processed area (Laser processing parameters: Laser power of 9 W, scanning speed of 300 mm/s, scanning line spacing of 50 μm)

    CA—Contact angle

    图  2  扫描线间距对PTFE表面润湿性的影响:((a), (b))不同激光功率P下,PTFE的接触角(CA)和滚动角(RA)随扫描线间距的变化(扫描速度为300 mm/s);((c), (d))不同扫描速度v下,PTFE的CA和RA随扫描线间距的变化(激光功率为9 W)

    Figure  2.  Influence of scanning line spacing on the wettability of the PTFE surface: ((a), (b)) Variation of CA and rolling angle (RA) of the PTFE surface with the scanning line spacing at different laser powers P (Scanning speed of 300 mm/s); ((c), (d)) Variation of CA and RA of the PTFE surface with the scanning line spacing at different scanning speeds v (Laser power of 9 W)

    图  3  在不同扫描线间距下PTFE刻蚀后的SEM图像:((a), (b)) 80 μm;((c), (d)) 110 μm (激光功率为9 W,扫描速度为300 mm/s)

    Figure  3.  SEM images of the PTFE processed with different scanning line spacing: ((a), (b)) 80 μm; ((c), (d)) 110 μm (Laser power of 9 W, scanning speed of 300 mm/s)

    图  4  激光功率对PTFE润湿性的影响:不同扫描速度下接触角(a)和滚动角(b)随激光功率的变化(扫描线间距为50 μm)

    Figure  4.  Influence of the laser power on the wettability of the PTFE: Variation of the CA (a) and RA (b) of the PTFE with the laser power at different scanning speed (Scanning line spacing of 50 μm)

    图  5  在不同激光功率下PTFE刻蚀后的SEM图像:((a), (b)) 6.0 W;((c), (d)) 7.2 W (扫描速度为300 mm/s,扫描线间距为50 μm)

    Figure  5.  SEM images of the PTFE processed with different laser powers:((a), (b)) 6.0 W; ((c), (d)) 7.2 W (Scanning speed of 300 mm/s, scanning line spacing of 50 μm)

    图  6  在不同扫描速度下PTFE加工后的SEM图像:((a), (b)) 200 mm/s;((c), (d)) 400 mm/s

    Figure  6.  SEM images of the PTFE processed with different scanning speeds: ((a), (b)) 200 mm/s; ((c), (d))400 mm/s

    图  7  激光刻蚀前后PTFE的化学成分:(a) EDS图谱;(b) XRD图谱

    Figure  7.  Chemical compositions of the PTFE before and after laser etching: (a) EDS spectra; (b) XRD patterns

    图  8  超疏水PTFE砂纸摩擦试验:(a) PTFE在砂纸(粒度为12 μm)上摩擦的照片;(b)接触角和滚动角随摩擦距离的变化;(c)砂纸摩擦6 m后的PTFE的SEM图像

    Figure  8.  Sandpaper rubbing test of the superhydrophobic PTFE: (a) Photo of the PTFE rubbed by the sandpaper (12 μm grit); (b) Variation of the CA and RA with the rubbing distance; (c) SEM image of the PTFE rubbed by the sandpaper for 6 m

    图  9  菱形支撑肋阵列结构的示意图

    Figure  9.  Diagram of rhombus support rib array structure

    d—Rib width; α—Crest angle; l—Length of side

    图  10  滚动角随顶角角度的变化

    Figure  10.  Variation of the RA with the crest angle

    图  11  滚动角随菱边边长的变化

    Figure  11.  Variation of the RA with the length of side

    图  12  菱形支撑肋阵列结构的PTFE表面的SEM图像

    Figure  12.  SEM images of the PTFE surface with the rhombus support rib array structure

    图  13  不同体积V水滴的滚动角随摩擦距离的变化:无菱形支撑肋阵列结构(a)和有菱形支撑肋阵列结构(b)的超疏水PTFE表面

    Figure  13.  Variation of RA of water droplet with different volume V on the PTFE with the rubbing distance: Superhydrophobic PTFE without (a) and with (b) the rhombus support rib array

    图  14  砂纸摩擦6 m后的有菱形支撑肋阵列结构的PTFE的SEM图像

    Figure  14.  SEM images of the PTFE with the rhombus support rib array structure after being rubbed by sandpaper for 6 m

    图  15  落砂试验:(a)落砂试验示意图;(b)接触角随落砂质量的变化

    Figure  15.  Sand impact test: (a) Schematic diagram of sand impact test; (b) Variation of the CA with the quality of quartz sand

    图  16  覆冰粘附力测试:(a)除冰过程照片;(b)除冰力随时间的变化;(c)测试后PTFE表面SEM图像

    Figure  16.  Ice adhesion force test: (a) Photo of deicing process; (b) Variation of the force with the time; (c) SEM image of the PTFE after ice adhesion force test

    图  17  冻融循环测试:接触角和滚动角随冻融循环次数的变化

    Figure  17.  Freezing/melting cycle test: Variation of the CA and RA with times of freezing/melting cycles

    图  18  延迟结冰测试:(a)普通PTFE;(b)菱形支撑肋阵列结构PTFE

    Figure  18.  Delayed icing test: (a) PTFE; (b) PTFE with the rhombus support rib array

    表  1  不同激光加工参数

    Table  1.   Different laser processing parameters

    No. Laser power/W Scanning speed/(mm·s−1) Scanning line spacing/μm
    1 5.4, 6.0, 6.6, 7.2, 7.8, 8.4, 9.0, 9.6 200, 300, 400 50
    2 6.0, 7.8, 9.0 300 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110
    3 9.0 200, 300, 400 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110
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    表  2  菱形支撑肋阵列结构的参数

    Table  2.   Structure parameters of the rhombus support rib array structure

    Length of side/mm Crest angle/(°) Rib width/mm
    1, 2, 3 30, 60, 90 0.05, 0.1
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    表  3  不同流量水流冲击3 min后CA变化

    Table  3.   Variation of the CA of the coating after 3 min scouring with different water flow rates

    Flow rate/(L·min−1) Original CA CA after 3 min scouring
    0.18 159° 157°
    0.36 161° 160°
    0.54 158° 155°
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