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朱高坚 陈李栋 段晟 吴伟兵 戴红旗 卞辉洋

朱高坚, 陈李栋, 段晟, 等. 生物质材料对微纳塑料吸附性能的研究进展[J]. 复合材料学报, 2023, 40(2): 637-648. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20220621.001
引用本文: 朱高坚, 陈李栋, 段晟, 等. 生物质材料对微纳塑料吸附性能的研究进展[J]. 复合材料学报, 2023, 40(2): 637-648. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20220621.001
ZHU Gaojian, CHEN Lidong, DUAN Sheng, et al. Research progress on adsorption properties of biomass materials for micro/nano plastics[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2023, 40(2): 637-648. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20220621.001
Citation: ZHU Gaojian, CHEN Lidong, DUAN Sheng, et al. Research progress on adsorption properties of biomass materials for micro/nano plastics[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2023, 40(2): 637-648. doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20220621.001


doi: 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20220621.001
基金项目: 国家十三五重大科技专项子课题(2019YFC190106);国家林业和草原局植物纤维功能材料重点实验室开放基金(2020KFJJ02);江苏省高等学校大学生创新创业训练计划项目(202110298184H)

    卞辉洋,博士,讲师,硕士生导师,研究方向为纳米纤维素制备及功能化应用  E-mail:hybian1992@njfu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: X52

Research progress on adsorption properties of biomass materials for micro/nano plastics

Funds: National Key Research and Development Project of the 13th Five-Year Plan (2019YFC190106); Foundation of National Forestry and Grassland Administration Key Laboratory of Plant Fiber Functional Materials (2020KFJJ02); National College Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program (202110298184H)
  • 摘要: 废弃塑料在江河湖海中呈累积趋势,老化分解产生的微纳塑料严重污染水质,威胁生态环境和居民饮用水安全。传统处理方法,如物理絮凝、生物降解等,存在处理周期长、吸附效率低等问题。天然生物质含有大量的羟基、羧基等活性基团,对生物质进行物理处理或化学修饰改性能够改善孔隙结构和提高比表面积,可作为吸附微纳塑料的绿色材料。本文从微纳塑料的常规处理方法和基本特征出发,简要概况了不同类型微纳塑料对植物、动物和人体的潜在影响和危害,系统介绍了生物质材料(生物质炭、纤维素、甲壳素等)在微纳塑料吸附领域的研究现状,分析总结了生物质材料对微纳塑料的吸附行为、规律和作用机制,最后展望了生物质材料吸附微纳塑料的未来发展前景。


  • 图  1  微藻与微塑料之间的相互作用机制[23]

    EPS—Extracellular polymeric substances; ROS—Reactive oxygen species

    Figure  1.  Interaction mechanism between microalgae and microplastics[23]

    图  2  铁改性生物质炭材料对微纳塑料的吸附机制[42]

    Figure  2.  Adsorption mechanism of Fe-modified biochar on micro/nano plastics[42]

    图  3  (a)改性生物炭对微纳塑料的吸附机制;(b)热处理降解微纳塑料的机制[43]

    MBC—Magnetic biochar

    Figure  3.  (a) Adsorption mechanism of modified biochar on micro/nano plastics; (b) Mechanism of degradation of micro/nano plastics by heat treatment[43]

    图  4  改性纤维素材料对聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)、聚氯乙烯(PVC)和聚醋酸乙烯酯(PVAc) 3种微纳塑料的吸附效率[47]

    Figure  4.  Adsorption efficiency of modified cellulose materials on polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and polyvinyl acetate (PVAc)[47]

    图  5  采用表面敏感方法、石英晶体微天平与损耗监测(QCM-D)、结合图像分析和随机顺序吸附(RSA)模型定量评估聚苯乙烯(PS)纳米塑料的表面结合[49]

    Δf—Frequency; TEMPO-CNF—TEMPO oxidized cellulose nanofibrils; TEMPO—2, 2, 6, 6-tetramethylpiperidinyl-1-oxyl; CNF—Cellulose nanofibrils; RC—Regenrated cellulose; θmax—Actual surface coverage maximum; θ—Theoretical surface coverage maximum 0.547, which equals to ~5.8×10−7 circles mm−2; S—Stabile; P—Purified; Γ—Adsorbed mass per unit area (ng·cm−2); deff—Effective particle diameter; dRSA—Diameter of the occupied area; Φ—Diameter; t—Time

    Figure  5.  Quantitative assessment of surface binding of polystyrene (PS) nanoplastic particles using a surface-sensitive approach, quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D), coupled with image analysis and fittings with random sequential adsorption (RSA) model[49]

    图  6  壳聚糖纳米纤维海绵材料制备示意图[57]

    NF—Nanofiber; PEO—Polyoxyethylene; GA—Glutaraldehyde; ν/ν—Volume ratio

    Figure  6.  Schematic diagram of preparation of chitosan nanofiber sponge material[57]

    图  7  可回收的磁性微型潜艇材料吸附去除水中油和微塑料示意图 [60]

    Figure  7.  Schematic diagram of recoverable magnetic micro-submarine material adsorption to remove oil and microplastics in water[60]

    表  1  微纳塑料在淡水系统中的分布现状

    Table  1.   Distribution of micro/nano plastics in water

    RegionType of micro/nano plasticsAbundanceRef.
    Antarctica, Ross SeaPE, PP3.2×10−3-1.18 n·m−3[15]
    China, Three GorgesPE, PP, PS5.5×104-3.42×107 n·km−2[16]
    China, Lake TaihuPE, PET, PP1×104-6.8×106 n·km−2[17]
    Germany, Rhine RiverPS, PP, PVC1.45×105-3.07×106 n·km−2[18]
    USA, Chesapeake BayPE, PS5.5×102-2.6×105 n·km−2[19]
    Switzerland, Swiss LakePE, PP, PS1.1×104-2.2×105 n·km−2[20]
    Notes: PE—Polyethylene; PP—Polypropylene; PS—Polystyrene; PET—Poly(ethylene terephthalate); PVC—Polyvinyl chloride.
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    表  2  25℃下生物质材料对微纳塑料的吸附性能

    Table  2.   Adsorption properties of biomass materials on micro/nano plastics at 25℃

    Material Preparation method Type of
    Concentration of MPs/NPs/(mg·L−1) Adsorption capacity/(mg·g−1) Adsorption mechanism Ref.
    Scotch pine/
    Spruce bark
    Pyrolysis/Steam activation PE 4000 200 Physical interception/
    Intra-particle diffusion
    Aged corn cob H2SO4/HNO3 oxidation/Pyrolysis PS 1000 18 Surface diffusion [41]
    Modified magnetic biochar Mg/Zn modification PS 100 99.21 Electrostatic interaction [43]
    Modified cellulose powder PEI crosslinking PMMA,
    PVAc, PVC
    2000 881.8-900 Electrostatic interaction [47]
    Coffee grounds Purchase/Wash PS-NH2 100-125 4 Hydrogen bonding/
    Electrostatic interaction
    Freeze drying PS/PS-NH2,
    1 8.79 Hydrogen bonding/
    Electrostatic interaction/
    π-π interaction
    Chitosan NF Directional freeze
    PET 1000 309.8 Physical interception/
    Intra-particle diffusion
    Oat protein Freeze drying PS 1 6.58 Hydrophobic action/
    Intra-particle diffusion
    Notes: MPs/NPs—Microplastics/Nanoplastics; PMMA—Polymethyl methacrylate; PVAc—Polyvinyl acetate; PEI—Polyethyleneimine; GO—Graphene oxide; NF—Nanofiber.
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