
Preparation of g-C3N4/Pb composites and application in anode materials for lead carbon batteries

  • 摘要: 为改善铅炭电池的析氢缺陷,提高电池循环使用寿命,以尿素为前驱体制备层状石墨相氮化碳(g-C3N4),并将其作为添加剂制备铅炭电池负极板,以活性炭(AC)为对照,研究了g-C3N4结构和添加量对铅炭电池电化学性能的影响。结果表明:g-C3N4的加入使析氢反应(HER)得到明显抑制,−1.5 V下1wt%g-C3N4负极板的析氢电流仅为AC负极板的5%。交流阻抗谱图显示1wt%g-C3N4和AC负极材料阻抗(Rs)为0.19868 Ω和1.749 Ω。更重要的是1wt%g-C3N4负极板比电容比1wt%AC负极板高344%。在5000 h高倍率部分荷电态(HRPSoC)下的电池循环寿命测试中,加入g-C3N4后电池寿命比加入AC提升62%。500次循环后,电池容量保持率仍有70%。g-C3N4可有效抑制析氢反应,提高比电容从而延长电池循环寿命,且成本低廉,可作为一种新的负极添加剂来改善铅炭电池性能。


    Abstract: To improve the hydrogen precipitation defects and increase the cycle life of lead carbon batteries, layered graphite phase carbon nitride (g-C3N4) was prepared using urea as a precursor and used as an additive to prepare anode plates for lead carbon batteries. The effects of the structure and addition amount of g-C3N4 on the electrochemical performance of lead carbon batteries were investigated with activated carbon (AC) as the control. The results show that the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) is significantly suppressed by the addition of g-C3N4, and the hydrogen precipitation current of 1wt%g-C3N4 negative plate at −1.5 V is only 6% of that of the activated carbon negative plate. The AC impedance spectra show impedances (Rs) of 0.19868 Ω and 1.749 Ω for 1wt%g-C3N4 and activated carbon anode materials. More importantly, the capacitance of 1wt%g-C3N4 negative electrode plate is 344% higher than that of 1wt%AC negative electrode plate. In the 5000 h high-rate partial-state-of-charge (HRPSoC) battery cycle life test, the addition of g-C3N4 improved the battery life by 62% compared to the addition of activated carbon. After 500 cycles, the battery capacity retention rate is still 70%. g-C3N4 can effectively inhibit the hydrogen precipitation reaction, increase the specific capacitance and thus extend the cycle life of the battery, and at low cost, can be used as a new anode additive to improve the performance of lead carbon batteries.


