
Research progress of three-dimensional network boron nitride/polymer thermally conductive composites

  • 摘要: 近年来,随着电子元器件、传感器、集成电路等与半导体技术相关领域的迅速发展,对散热的要求也是越来越高。六方氮化硼(Hexagonal Boron Nitride,h-BN)是一种优秀的绝缘导热材料,被广泛应用在与聚合物材料的复合进程中。因此,如何在h-BN与聚合物的复合进程中实现其性能的最优化呈现已然成为众多学者所聚焦的核心主题。该文简要介绍了h-BN的导热机制和影响其导热的因素,说明了h-BN在聚合物中分布状况对复合材料性能的影响,并着重对三维网络氮化硼/聚合物复合材料的研究进展予以综述,最后总结了当前的一些技术困难,展望了未来的发展方向。


    Abstract: In recent years, with the rapid development of fields related to semiconductor technology, such as electronic components, sensors and integrated circuits, the requirements for heat dissipation have become increasingly demanding. Hexagonal Boron Nitride(h-BN) is an excellent insulating and thermally conductive material, which is widely used in the composite process with polymer materials. Therefore, how to achieve the optimal performance presentation during the compounding process of h-BN and polymers has become the core topic that many scholars focus on. The article briefly introduced the thermal conductivity mechanism of h-BN and the factors that influence its thermal conductivity, explained the impact of the distribution of h-BN in polymers on the properties of composite materials, and focused on reviewing the research progress of three-dimensional network hexagonal boron nitride/polymer composite materials. Finally,it summarized some of the current technical difficulties and looked forward to the future development directions.


