
In-situ testing method for residual strain of cured composite materials by strain gauge

  • 摘要: 复合材料固化残余应变是导致复合材料固化变形的主要原因,残余应变也会导致复合材料产生裂纹、分层等缺陷,影响复合材料构件装配与构件性能,因此,复合材料固化残余应变原位检测方法研究具有重要意义。本文建立了一种复合材料固化残余应变应变片原位检测方法,根据复合材料凝胶点将复合材料固化分橡胶态和玻璃态两个阶段,针对这两个阶段分段式处理应变片原位检测复合材料固化残余应变数据,对应变片原位检测数据分别采取去除应变片热膨胀和不去除热膨胀的处理方法。基于分段式处理方法,测试了碳纤维热固性复合材料真空袋固化成型0°和90°方向上的应变变化,并与光纤光栅(FBG)原位检测结果进行对比分析,揭示了复合材料固化残余应变的形成机制。研究结果表明,应变片原位检测数据分段式处理结果与FBG结果基本吻合,可以有效分析复合材料固化过程残余应变的演化规律。


    Abstract: During the curing process of composites, residual strain will inevitably occur, which will change continuously with the curing of composites, and residual strain is the main reason leading to the final curing deformation of materials. The concentration of residual strain may cause cracks and lamination of composites, which will bring difficulties to the assembly of composite components and affect the performance of components. It is of great significance to study the in-situ detection method of curing residual strain of composites. In this study, a strain gauge in-situ detection method for curing residual strain of composites is established, and a piece-wise curing residual stress and strain gauge data processing method is proposed. The curing of composites is divided into two stages at the gel point of composites. For these two stages, different processing methods are adopted for in-situ strain gauge detection data. The strain changes in the direction of 0° and 90° were measured and compared with the results of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) in situ, which revealed the formation mechanism of the cured residual strain of the composite. The results show that the piece-wise processing of in-situ strain gauge data is basically consistent with the results of FBG, which can effectively analyze the evolution law of residual strain during solidification of composites.


