
Preparation of amidinourea phytate and its flame retardant effect on wood

  • 摘要: 植酸(Phytic acid,PA)是一种极具潜力的磷系水性生物基阻燃剂,但其单独处理木材存在PA易流失、燃烧烟释放量大等问题,通过与其他氮、硼系阻燃剂复配,可在一定程度上缓减上述问题。然而,由于PA酸性较强,PA及其复配阻燃剂处理木材时会造成木材降解,进而影响其力学强度。以PA和双氰胺为原料合成了一类新型磷氮阻燃剂−植酸脒基脲(Amidinourea phytate,AUP)。利用FTIR、XRD、XPS及TG等手段对AUP阻燃剂理化特性进行了表征。采用TG、Py-GC/MS、氧指数测定仪、CONE等研究了AUP对杨木热解及燃烧行为的影响,探究了其阻燃机制。结果表明:AUP阻燃材在较低的增重率(8.73wt%)下表现出优异的阻燃及抑烟性能,优于增重率为14.8wt%的PA阻燃材,且抗流失性较好;AUP阻燃材的极限氧指数(LOI)值为34.8%,较未处理材提高了54.0%;总释热量和总生烟量分别降低了57.7%、65.7%,成炭率提高了148%,残炭结构更为密实,具有凝聚相与气相协效阻燃效果。此外,AUP阻燃材冲击强度比未处理材提高了58.5%,而PA阻燃材则下降了29.2%。


    Abstract: Phytic acid (PA) is a very promising phosphorus-based aqueous bio-based flame retardant, but its treatment of wood alone has problems such as easy loss of PA and high release of combustion smoke. This challenge can be mitigated to some extent by compounding with other nitrogen and boron flame retardants. However, due to the strong acidity of PA, PA and its complex flame retardants used in wood fire-retardant treatment may cause wood degradation, which in turn affects its mechanical strength. In this study, a new type of phosphorus-nitrogen flame retardant, amidinourea phytate (AUP), was synthesised from PA and dicyandiamide. The physicochemical properties of AUP was characterised using FTIR, XRD, XPS and TG. The effects of AUP on the pyrolysis and combustion behaviours of poplar wood were investigated by TG, Py-GC/MS, limiting oxygen index (LOI) tester and CONE, and the flame retardant mechanism was explored. The results showed that the AUP flame retardant wood showed excellent flame retardant and smoke suppression properties at a lower mass gain rate (8.73wt%) than the PA flame retardant wood with a mass gain rate of 14.8wt%, and the loss resistance was better; The LOI value of the AUP flame retardant wood was 34.8%, which was 54.0% higher than that of the untreated wood; The total heat release and total smoke production were reduced by 57.7% and 65.7% respectively, and the char formation rate was increased by 148%, and the residual char structure was denser, with the effect of cohesive phase and gas phase. In addition, the impact strength of AUP flame retardant wood increased by 58.5% compared with that of untreated wood, while that of PA flame retardant wood decreased by 29.2%.


