
Workability and mechanical properties of steel fiber reinforced rubberized concrete

  • 摘要: 本文以橡胶颗粒等体积替代砂率(0%~20%)和钢纤维体积掺量(0vol%~1.5vol%)为变量制备150个试件,分别进行立方体及轴心抗压试验、劈裂抗拉试验、弯曲抗折试验、双面剪切试验及扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观测,研究橡胶颗粒和钢纤维的掺入对钢纤维橡胶混凝土力学性能及微观结构影响。 结果表明:掺入橡胶颗粒和钢纤维会显著降低钢纤维橡胶混凝土的工作性能;随着橡胶掺量的增加,混凝土各项力学性能指标均呈明显下降趋势;与橡胶混凝土不同,钢纤维橡胶混凝土各项力学性能的破坏模式均呈延性破坏,且随着钢纤维掺量的增加,混凝土各项强度指标均有不同程度的增加,其中抗剪强度增幅最为明显,橡胶掺量10%混凝土中掺入1.5vol%掺量钢纤维后,抗剪强度增幅可达78%。 根据试验结果并综合考虑橡胶和钢纤维的影响,提出了钢纤维橡胶混凝土基本强度指标的计算公式及其相互之间关系。


    Abstract: In this paper, a total of 150 specimens were fabricated with rubber particles volume substation of sand (0%-20%) and steel fiber volume fraction (0vol%-1.5vol%). The cube and axial compression test, splitting tensile test, bending test, double-shear test were performed to investigate their mechanical properties of steel fiber reinforced rubberized concrete (SF-R/C), and the microstructure and interface of SF-R/C were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results show that adding rubber particles and steel fiber can significantly reduce the workability. With the increase of rubber content, each test of SF-R/C strength decreases. Different from rubber concrete, the failure mode of SF-R/C specimens is ductile. After adding steel fiber, SF-R/C strengths increase in varying degree, especially in shear strength. The shear strength is enhanced by 78% with a steel fiber content of 1.5vol% and a rubber particles volume substation of 10%. Based on experimental data and comprehensively considering the influence of rubber particles and steel fibers, the calculation formula of strength indexes of SF-R/C were put forward and the interrelations among the strength indexes of SF-R/C are obtained.


